The student must carry out his or her own thesis work in order to obtain the Master's degree. To start the thesis work the student must send the completed application to the Degree Course President. The thesis may be internal to the Department (form to be filled in) or it may be carried out at an external institution (form to be filled in). The student must wait for the approval by the Teaching Commission.
After approval of the thesis application, the student must request a badge for access to the facility (instructions can be found at this link). The Thesis activity starts immediately after receiving the approval from the Teaching Commission.
In addition to the thesis, the student must carry out an internship. The internship can be carried out within the Department and in this case this activity must be recognised by the Teaching Commission (form to be sent to the President of the Degree Course on completion of the internship) or in external companies (in this case follow the instructions at the link: Stage on Line) or abroad as part of the Erasmus+ project (form to be filled in and sent to the President of the Degree Course).
At the end of the experimental workof the thesis, the supervisor must send a short report (form to be filled in) which must be sent to the delegate for the internship, Prof. Francesca Maestrelli. The student must then register for the roll call of the scheduled examination.
The student must open the degree’s application form on the University's SOL service (Domanda di Laurea) and follow the instructions there (SOL).
One month before the discussion, the supervisor must propose a trio of possible opponents (form to be filled in and sent to the President of the Degree Course.
Here is the link for the Cover page model of the thesis work
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