The School of Science has opened a phone line for assisting students who are either enrolled or are going to enroll in Bachelor and Master's programs within the School of Science. You can contact this number to get information about everything concerning teaching activities, including requests of admission letter (nulla osta), lectures timetable, safety courses, study plan, registration to exams calls, traineeship, Erasmus program, procedures for the final thesis and graduation.
The phone line can also guide you to the right contacts for other relevant issues, including enrollment process and documentation, ISEE evaluation, tuition fees, certificates of enrollment and many others.
Contact number:
+39 055 2751352
Opening times:
Mon, Tue, Wed 9:30 - 12:30
Thu 9:30-12:30 English speaking guaranteed!
Thu 14:30-16:00
You can ask for the same information in person at the School of Science's information desk located in Morgagni's University Center.
School of Science's Information Desk (IT: Sportello Matricole)
Morgagni University Center (Centro Didattico Morgani) 1st floor
Opening times:
Lun-Wed-Fry 9:00-13:00
Tue-Thu 14:00-18:00 (July to October only)